Ongoing Experimental Bone Breakage Research: We began analysis of the cow limb bones that were broken experimentally by dynamic loading (impact) and static loading (steady pressure) to continue to test the hypothesis that notches created by these two processes can be differentiated. Our most recent analysis shows that a ratio of notch breadth to notch depth does demonstrate statistically significant differences in notch shape depending on whether they were made by impact percussion or static pressure. We are growing a data base of notch measurements from various species of Pleistocene and modern animals for comparison. Our preliminary research indicates that certain notch measurements represent signs of human technology.

SAA 2015: CAPR was represented at an exhibition booth at the annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology April 15-19, 2015. Several posters discussing CAPR research were shown at the booth.

Special Honor: The Colorado Scientific Society presented their Best Paper Award for 2014 to Steven and Kathleen Holen. Their presentation was a summary of CAPR research identifying evidence of early peopling of the Americas from archaeological sites and experimental bone modification.